Friday, April 6, 2012

Getting Off the Black Path

Although Joe Flying By, Dave Chief, and Leroy Curley, said some stuff that I didn't totally agree with such as their dissing of modern medicine, I did agree with their message of peace. He talked about how Americans need to get off of the Black Road and start walking on the Red Road. From what he described, the Red Road is one that acknowledges the connection of men to other humans, to the Earth, and to the universe. It acknowledges that men are not above anyone else but equal to everything. The Black Road on the other hand, is about external controls such as money, organized religion, and modern medicine. While I definitely agree that money contributes to greediness and is a contributing cause for some of the evils of the world, I can't agree with the part about modern medicine. When he was talking about how Native Americans go to nursing homes and the medicine makes them forget, I am inclined to believe he was talking about alzheimer's. What do you guys think? Was there a deeper meaning to those words? I also enjoyed the part where he was talking about friends or "colas". For me, he made it quite clear that colas are not your facebook friends. Colas are people that you actually know. They are people that you'd be willing to give your life for. Along those same lines, I once had a friend who didn't take hugs so lightly. He believed that a hug signified that you were willing to give your life for that person as a hug normally entails that you wrap your arms and body like a shield around that person's vital organs. Did you guys enjoy his cola talk? Did it make you think of friends in your own life?  

1 comment:

  1. By the way, the video that I referenced in this post was Wisdom Keepers. It can be found at: Happy viewing!
